G.M. International mission is to increase its present position in I.S. market with products and services that are suitable and appropriate for Customers.
Our goal is to guarantee the highest standards of Quality for offered products and services.
Quality is synonymous with Customers satisfaction: all products must conform with the most severe specifications.
G.M. International products satisfy Customers expectations and meet the specifications of international standards. Safety, performance, reliability and product documentation are the basic principles of product Quality.
Quality in Service is very important to achieve market penetration. Therefore, G.M. International considers service as an integral part of Customer's requirements, giving support and consulting throughout every production phase.
G.M. International continuously ensures that the performance of products, services, management and Quality System meets, or exceeds Customers requirements. G.M. International Management recognizes that human resources play an important role in the achievement of its objectives.
We are glad to inform our customers that, as a result of the environmental policies implemented between 2019 and 2023, G.M. International has achieved a reduction in Carbon Emission Intensity (per unit of revenue), as reported below:
Our CO2e intensity (per unit sales) was reduced by 55.39% from 2019 to 2023.
G.M. International is committed to conducting business ethically and with respect towards employees, society, and environment. Our Suppliers are demanded to honor our same sustainability standards, which are defined in the Supplier Code of Conduct. Download our Company Code of Ethics EN or in IT and our Supplier Code of Conduct in EN or in IT
G.M. International recognizes it has responsibility not to support or contribute to violence and human rights violations for any reasons and by any means. We are working to ensure that all our products and their subcomponents do not contain Conflict Minerals sourced from mines that support or fund conflict in the DRC and neighboring countries.
Conflict Minerals Policy
G.M. International has decided to implement an Integrated Management System for Health, Safety at Work, and Environment - ISO45001: 2018 and ISO14001: 2015 to ensure environmental safety conditions, to protect its employees and third parties.
Download the document in EN or in IT