DeA Capital Alternative Funds SGR, a company of De Agostini Group, has acquired a majority stake in GM International and became a partner of Landrini family.
Paolo Landrini has been appointed CEO.DeA Capital Alternative Funds SGR, a company of De Agostini Group, has acquired a majority stake in GM International and became a partner of Landrini family.
Paolo Landrini has been appointed CEO. -
New GMI subsidiary in Mexico.
New GMI subsidiary in Mexico.
GMI publishes the third reprint of the fourth edition of the SIL Manual.
GMI publishes the third reprint of the fourth edition of the SIL Manual.
GMI enters into an agency agreement to secure representation in India.
GMI rebranding with new company logo and brand image.GMI enters into an agency agreement to secure representation in India.
GMI rebranding with new company logo and brand image. -
New GMI subsidiary in France.
New GMI subsidiary in France.
Relocation of the headquarters and production facilities to a 10,000-square-meter area in Via Mameli, Villasanta (MB), Italy.
New Singapore Subsidiary incorporation.
Relocation of the headquarters and production facilities to a 10,000-square-meter area in Via Mameli, Villasanta (MB), Italy.
New Singapore Subsidiary incorporation.
Launch of the Galvanic isolators D6000 Series.
Launch of the Galvanic isolators D6000 Series.
New GMI subsidiaries in China and Japan.
New GMI subsidiaries in China and Japan.
Second GMI subsidiary if established in Dubai, UAE free trade zone.
Second GMI subsidiary if established in Dubai, UAE free trade zone.
Launch of the I.S. isolators D5000 Series.
Launch of the I.S. isolators D5000 Series.
GMI publishes the first edition of the SIL Manual.
GMI publishes the first edition of the SIL Manual. -
Launch of the D2000 Series Intrinsically Safe Temperature and Digital Multiplexers obtained ISO 9001 system certification.
Launch of the D2000 Series Intrinsically Safe Temperature and Digital Multiplexers obtained ISO 9001 system certification. -
First GMI subsidiary in Houston, TX, USA.
First GMI subsidiary in Houston, TX, USA.
Launch of GMI Termination board and custom solutions for major DCS companies.
Launch of GMI Termination board and custom solutions for major DCS companies.
Launch of the SIL certified I.S. barriers D1000 Series and obtained the first product certification.
Launch of the SIL certified I.S. barriers D1000 Series and obtained the first product certification.
G.M. International is formed by Glisente Landrini and family to develop highest quality intrinsically safe isolators, to support Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical Industry with state-of-the-art safety solutions.
The headquarters and the first production hall are located on Via S. Fiorano in Villasanta (MB), Italy.
G.M. International is formed by Glisente Landrini and family to develop highest quality intrinsically safe isolators, to support Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical Industry with state-of-the-art safety solutions.
The headquarters and the first production hall are located on Via S. Fiorano in Villasanta (MB), Italy.