D1072S G.M. International s.r.l.
GM International

SIL 2 Temperature Signal Converter, Duplicator, Adder/Subtractor DIN-Rail Models D1072S, D1072D

The single and dual channel DIN Rail Temperature Signal Converter D1072S and D1072D accepts a low level dc signal from millivolt, thermocouple or RTD temperature sensor, located in Hazardous Area, and converts, with isolation, the signal to drive a Safe Area load. Output signal can be direct or reverse. Duplicator function provides two independent outputs for the single input. Adder, subtractor, low/high selector functions provides two independent outputs representing input A, input B, input A plus input B, input A minus input B, low/high selector.


  • SIL2/SC2
  • Input from Zone 0 (Zone 20), Division 1, installation in Zone 2, Division 2.
  • mV, thermocouples, RTD or transmitting potentiometers Input Signal.
  • Programmable RTD line resistance compensation.
  • Reference Junction Compensation automatic or fixed (programmable value).
  • 0/4-20 mA, 0/1-5 V, 0/2-10 V. Output Signal temperature linear or reverse.
  • Duplicated output for single channel input.
  • Adder, Subtractor, low/high Selector.
  • 16 characters tag for each channel.
  • Common burnout detection available when using Power Bus enclosure.
  • High Accuracy, µP controlled A/D converter.
  • Three port isolation, Input/Output/Supply.
  • EMC Compatibility to EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-4.
  • Fully programmable operating parameters.
  • High Density, two channels per unit.
  • 250 Vrms (Um) max. voltage allowed to the Instruments associated with the barrier.


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Technical Data


Voltage 12-24 Vdc nom (10 to 30 Vdc) reverse polarity protected, ripple within voltage limits ≤ 5 Vpp.
Current Consumption 45 mA with 20 mA output typical.
Power Dissipation 1.0 W with 24 V supply voltage and 20 mA output typical.
Max. power consumption at 30 V supply voltage, overload condition and PPC1090 connected, 1.4 W


Type millivolt or thermocouple type A1, A2, A3, B, E, J, K, L, Lr, N, R, S, S1, T, U or 3-4 wires RTD Pt100, Pt200, Pt300 to DIN43760, Pt100 (0.3916), Ni100, Ni120 or Pt500, Pt100, Pt50, Cu100, Cu53, Cu50, Cu46 (russian standard) or 3 wires transmitting potentiometer (50 Ω to 20 KΩ).
Integration time 500 ms.
Resolution 5 μV on mV or thermocouple, 1 μV thermocouple type B, R, S, S1, 2 μV thermocouple A1, A2, A3, 20 mΩ on RTD, 0.05 % on transmitting potentiometer.
Visualization 0.1 °C on temperature, 10 μV on mV, 0.1 % on potentiometer.
Input range within rated limits of sensor (-10 to + 80 mV).
Measuring RTD current ≤ 0.5 mA.
RTD line resistance compensation ≤ 10 Ω.
RTD line resistance error compensation - 5 to + 20 Ω, programmable.
Thermocouple reference junction compensation automatic, by external sensor OPT1091 separately ordered, or fixed programmable from - 60 to + 100 °C.
Thermocouple burnout current ≤ 30 nA.


Type enabled or disabled. Analog output can be programmed to detect burnout condition with downscale or highscale forcing. Burnout condition signalled by red front panel LED.


Type 0/4 to 20 mA, on max. 600 Ω load source mode, current limited at 22 mA or 0/1 to 5 V or 0/2 to 10 V signal, limited at 11 V.
Resolution 2 μA current output or 1 mV voltage output.
Transfer characteristic linear or reverse on mV or transmitting potentiometer, temperature linear or reverse on temperature sensors.
Response time ≤ 50 ms (10 to 90 % step change).
Output ripple ≤ 20 mVrms on 250 Ω load.

Input performance

Type Ref. Conditions 24 V supply, 250 Ω load, 23 ± 1 °C ambient temperature.
Calibration and linearity accuracy ≤ ± 40 μV on mV or thermocouple, 200 mΩ on RTD, 0.2 % on potentiometer or ± 0.05 % of input value.
Temperature influence ≤ ± 2 μV, 20 mΩ, 0.02 % or ± 0.01 % of input value for a 1 °C change.
Ref. Junction Compensation influence ≤ ± 1 °C (thermocouple sensor).

Analog output performance

Type Ref. Conditions 24 V supply, 250 Ω load, 23 ± 1 °C ambient temperature.
Calibration accuracy ≤ ± 0.1 % of full scale.
Linearity error ≤ ± 0.05 % of full scale.
Supply voltage influence ≤ ± 0.05 % of full scale for a min to max supply change.
Load influence ≤ ± 0.05 % of full scale for a 0 to 100 % load resistance change.
Temperature influence ≤ ± 0.01 % on zero and span for a 1 °C change.


Test Voltage I.S. In/Out 1.5 KV; I.S. In/Supply 1.5 KV; I.S. In/I.S. In 500 V; Out/Supply 500 V; Out/Out 500 V.

Environmental conditions

Operating temperature limits -20 to + 60 °C, relative humidity max 90 % non condensing, up to 35 °C.
Storage temperature limits – 45 to + 80 °C.

Safety description

Safety parameters Uo/Voc = 10.8 V, Io/Isc = 9 mA, Po/Po = 24 mW at terminals 13-14-15-16, 9-10-11-12. Ui/Vmax = 18 V, Ci = 6 nF, Li = 0 nH at terminals 13-14-15-16, 9-10-11-12. Um = 250 Vrms, -20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 60°C.


Type EN/IEC60715 TH 35 DIN-Rail.
Weight about 140 g
Connection by polarized plug-in disconnect screw terminal blocks to accomodate terminations up to 2.5 mm2.
Location Safe Area/Non Hazardous Locations or Zone 2, Group IIC T4, Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D Temperature Code T4 and Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC, IIB, IIA T4 installation.
Protection class IP 20.
Dimensions Width 22.5 mm, Depth 99 mm, Height 114.5 mm.

Data Sheet

Datasheet of D1072 ( EN )
D1000 Series Common Specifications and Dimensional Drawing ( EN )

Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual D1072 ( EN )
Instruction Manual D1000 Series ( EN | RU )
Instruction Manual SWC1091 ( EN )
D1072 Potentiometer Input Configuration for special application ( EN )
Ex safety instruction manual for D1000 series ( EN | IT )
INMETRO safety instruction manual for D1000 series ( PT )
UL Control Drawing D1072 ( EN )


Type Description Area Number Issued by Issue Date
ATEX DEKRA ATEX D1000 Series English Certificate ( EN ) Europe DMT 01 ATEX E 042 X DEKRA 2022-04-25
ATEX IMQ Zone 2 Applications D1000 Series Certificate ( EN ) Europe IMQ 09 ATEX 013 X IMQ 2022-05-03
EMC D1000 EAC EMC Declaration of Conformity ( RU ) Eurasian Community ЕАЭС N RU Д-IT.НХ37.В.06311/20 EUROCERT 2020-08-13
Ex EAC Ex Certificate for D1000 Series ( RU ) Eurasian Community ЕАЭС RU С-IT.НА67.В.00113/20 TECHNOPROGRESS 2020-09-04
Ex UL-cUL D1052, D1053, D1072, D1073 Divisions and Zones ( EN ) North America 20130115-E222308E UL 2013-01-15
Ex FM No.3024643-3029921C Certificate ( EN ) North America 3024643-3029921C FM 2005-12-16
Ex INMETRO Certificate DNV 13.0108 X for D1000 series ( EN ) Brazil DNV 13.0108 X DNV 2022-12-10
FSM TUV IT 22 SIL 0093 Functional Safety Certificate ( EN ) International TUV IT 22 SIL 0093 TUV_SUD 2022-07-25
IECEx IMQ IECEx Zone 2 Applications D1000 Series Certificate ( EN ) International IECEx IMQ 13.0011X IMQ 2022-05-03
IECEx DEKRA IECEx for D1000 Series ( EN ) International IECEx BVS 07.0027X DEKRA 2022-05-30
Maritime KR Maritime Certificate D1000 Series ( EN ) International MIL20769-EL001 KR 2022-07-04
Maritime DNV Maritime Certificate TAA00002BM for D1000 Series ( EN ) International TAA00002BM DNV-GL 2024-04-05
Metrological Metrological Certificate Russia for D1000 Series ( RU ) Russia 64283-11 ROSSTANDART 2021-03-10
SIL TUV C-IS-722238330 SIL Declaration of Compliance Summary ( EN ) International C-IS-722238330 TUV_SUD 2024-01-19

Declarations of Conformity

EU Declaration of Conformity D1000 series ( EN | IT )
EU Declaration of Conformity for D1000 series (zone 2) ( EN | IT )
EU Declaration of Conformity for RoHS, ASBESTOS. ( EN )
Declaration of G3 compliance for D1000_PSD1000-PSD1001-PSD1001C-PSD1004-PSD1220-PSD1220-098 SERIES ( EN )


Image of D1072S/D1072D_size



3d_drawing_D1000_dwg ( EN )
3d_drawing_D1000_stp ( EN )


SWC1090-D1000 Software Configurator for Windows ( EN )
Instruction Manual SWC1090 ( EN )
Registration Certificate of SWC1090 ( IT )